At least my scrubs are cute.

Ahh...the pharmacy. A job entailing accuracy, math, insurance companies, doctors on hold, and addicted patients. When I walked in the first day, I knew I was in for it. A line the size of kids waiting for an uice cream truck, and a float pharmacist that kept to himself. "Here you are!", the store manager unlocked the door to let me inside. "Good luck!". Good luck? I had hoped to pass off as a trainee the first several days so I could follow around some of the other techs and get used to how things worked around here. Afterall, I haven't been a technician in two years. But the truth came out, I had the most experience out of the all the other technicians, which was two. So there will be no training for me. I had to jump right in. "You know how to fill, ?", Ebony inquired. "Yea, I think so." I hurry to the filling station already feeling rushed, and pick up the first prescrption. Xalatan 0.5% opthalmic. That's in the fridge, right? I try to figure out where it would be in the pharmacy according to what room temperature it needs to be stored in. I find it and put in a blue tote to send off to the verifying pharmacist. Next is azithroymcin suspension. 150/5 ml. I find the recon section and wak over to find the correct bottle. An empty space hovers above the label where it should be. No problem, I tell myself. I will just have to use the next strength up and calculate the quantity difference to accomodate the  patients dosage needs. I rack my brain trying to recall the correct formula from my pharmacy textbooks. Then the phone rings. And rings. I take a deep breath and answer. "Walgreens Pharmacy, how can I help you?". "Yes, this is Olga calling from Dr. Craigs office. I a, authorizing refills for..." I type rapidly on the computer as Olga names off various drugs for numerous patients needing medication. I vaguely remember how to even pull up each of their profiles. I decide to just write it all down on scratch paper to deal with later. I hang to phone to see a myriad of red totes with prescitions wiating to be entered and filled. "Hey, nice scrubs. I'm Liz. A new face appears beside me to help with the pile. Thank God. "Thanks. I spent a fortune on them though."  The truth was I had procrastinated buying scrubs until the Sunday afternoon right before my shift. I ended up having to drive to Robbinsdale where a uniform outlet was still open for business. Then after two hours of trying on every navy blue pair of scrubs the store carried, I realized none of them were going to fit me correctly. That is until I tried on the expensive "Grey's Anatomy" brand. The only ones that run in junior sizes. I felt pretty sharp wearing it, too. So I dropped to $60 to purchase them. Now I could be at work a regular fashionista of the medical world. So I couldn't really mind too much the business, loudness, craziness of my new job. I have two friendly colleagues, a funny plarmacy manager that has a Minnesota accent so thick I stifle a giggle when I hear her talk excitedly, and a cute new guy that works out in the front of the store. I wonder if it counts as dating someone you work with if he's not in the pharmacy? The one fear I have is messing up someones medication horribly. And I do hope of that happens my scrubs will save me. " "That new technician gave me Viagra instead of Zyrtec! Now I have a skyrocked libido to deal with." "So whats the problem?", I will ask him. "Its for my 11 year old son!" Then he will notice what I am wearing. "Are those Grey's Anatomy scrubs, by the way? Very nice..."

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2 Response to "At least my scrubs are cute."

  1. Cole Garrett says:
    September 22, 2010 at 1:25 PM

    Wow. I was pretty sure before that I wouldn't make a good pharmacist. Now, I'm positive. Sounds to hectic for me. And if I make mistakes at my job, they're fixable, at least easier than an 11 year old on viagra.


  2. Muhammad Ayub says:
    October 6, 2011 at 8:46 AM

    very nice post..........................great very nice post..........................great
    very nice post..........................great very nice post..........................great
    very nice post..........................great very nice post..........................great
    very nice post..........................great very nice post..........................great
    very nice post..........................great very nice post..........................great
    very nice post..........................great very nice post..........................great
    very nice post..........................great very nice post..........................great
    very nice post..........................great very nice post..........................great
    very nice post..........................great very nice post..........................great
    very nice post..........................great very nice post..........................great
    very nice post..........................great very nice post..........................great
    very nice post..........................great very nice post..........................great

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